For the PCC & PDC 2024 ranking, the score is calculated as follows:
                              The scores obtained by the competitor in the two competitions of the same year (PDC and PCC) are added and the result is divided by 2.   
                                                                                                       ( PCC Score +PDC Score ) /2= PCC&PDC Score
                                                                                                In the case of this ranking, the category no longer matters.
                                             I opted for this calculation method to balance the weight of the two working modes CW and DIGI in this mixed ranking.
                                                                                The ranking of each edition appears after the December PRO-CW-Contest.

                                                                                                              PRO RADIO  CONTEST CLUB

                                                                  PCC&PDC 2023
                                                                                                                                FINAL RESULTS
    PRO-CW  Contest   PRO-DIGI Contest PCC&PDC Prizes
# Call Name Cat. Score Cat. Score  Score     WW/Cont/Ctry   
1 YO5AXF Carol Nemes SOLP 501,653 SOLP 101,541 301,597 Medal-I-Certificate 1/1/1-YO
2 EU8N Victor Rukavichnikov SOLP 426,756 SOHP 104,676 265,716 Medal-II-Certificate 2/2/1-EU
3 YO4DG Gabriel Gigea SOHP 297,938 SOLP 33,390 165,664 Medal-III-Certificate 3/3/2-YO
4 YO4FPF Dan Roca SOLP 109809 M 117936 113,873 Certificate 4/4/3-YO
5 OM5NL Laci Nemeth SO40 96,778 SO20 5,762 51,270 Certificate 5/5/1-OM
6 YO4AAC George Savu M 65,760 M 1,824 33,792 Certificate 6/6/4-YO
7 UT3N Dmytro Starynets SO40 64,856 SO80 2,268 33,562 Certificate 7/7/1-UR
8 LZ2MP Milen Postadshieff SO20 61,046 SO20 2,700 31,873 Certificate 8/8/1-LZ
9 YO4SI Mircea Rucareanu SOLP 25756 SOLP 1968 13,862 Certificate 9/9/5-YO
10 YO2CMI Bernardt-Anton Huth SOLP 13,370 M 9,331 11,351 Certificate 10/10/6-YO
11 SV2SKD Dalianis Panagiotis SOLP 17,472 SOLP 4,662 11,067 Certificate 11/11/1-SV
12. 2E0OBO Bob Blackman SOLP 18,122 SOLP 351 9,237 Certificate 12/12/1-G
                                               Have confirmed receiving the awards: YO4DG, YO5AXF,
                                              18-Mar-2024 at 04:40 UTC YO2RR